On January 25, 2019 James Hartman the Water Judge for Division 1 entered a final decree in case No. 16CW3119 “CHANGE OF WATER RIGHTS – RURAL DITCH CO. SHARES”.  The 7.04 shares were included in the purchase of Rinn Valley Reservoir from L.G. Everest in December of 2017. Case No.16CW119 included a change of the water rights from irrigation to augmentation, recharge, replacement, industrial, exchange and irrigation. The 7.04 shares will continue to be diverted at the headgate of Rural Ditch and subsequently be delivered to any of the reservoirs or back to the river for use in the GMS augmentation plan. The decreed annual consumptive use for the 7.04 shares is 383.6 acre-feet or 54.5 acre-feet per share.

Under case No. 16CW3119, Central has the ability to store up to 3,000 acre-feet in the Rinn Valley Reservoir Complex with an additional 3,000 acre-feet fill and refill rights. The storage amounts for Rinn Valley Reservoir are under two different decrees: 05CW0315 with an appropriation date of September 1997, allows 2,200 acre-feet (325 absolute and 1875 conditional) with 40 cfs from Rural Ditch diversion. The storage decree under 16CW3119 with an appropriation date of April 19, 2016, allows 800 acre-feet conditional, one refill of 3000 acre-feet at 90 cfs from Rural Ditch diversions

Find the entire decree by following this link…