The combined retreat meeting of CCWCD, GMS, and WAS was called to order at 10:20 A.M. on Tuesday December 4, 2018 by President Randy Knutson. Board members present were: Randy Knutson, President; Chad Schafer, Vice President; Vern Kammerzell, Treasurer; Everett Kissler; Ralph Anders; Jim Reasoner; Steve Bruntz; Doug Dill; Don Rosenbrock; Tom Brown; Dave Bernhardt; and Bret Schmidt. Alan Axton, Gary Herman, and Frank Eckhardt were absent.

Others present were: Randy Ray, Executive Director; William Mihelich, District Engineer; Danyelle McCannon, Financial Analyst; Lynn Kramer, Contracts Manager; Tammy Rusch, Office Manager; Rick Hoffman, Ditch Superintendent; Chris French, Meter Program Administrator; Courtney Sandoval, Field Operations Assistant; Ed Armbruster of White Sands Water Engineers; and Brad Grasmick of Lawrence, Jones, Custer and Grasmick. Special guest was: Don Diones from George K. Baum.

The meeting began with discussion of the newly approved debt for GMS. Many areas of interest were discussed, including: $10 million for the Walker Recharge Project, the need for senior water rights, additional storage projects, recreation/public access, fish hatcheries/clubs, and an education center.

Direct staff to look further into the possibility of recreational/public access projects.

Don Diones spoke about issuing bonds for GMS in 2019 and disbursed repayment schedules for review.

Adjourn for lunch and reconvene.

A draft GMDA mission statement was reviewed, prior to the upcoming conference in January.

Tammy Rusch spoke to the board about the education and outreach efforts in 2018, and the outlook for next year. A 5 year education plan was reviewed with the board and staff.

President Randy Knutson adjourned the meeting at 1:44 P.M..

Respectfully submitted,
Danyelle McCannon, Financial Analyst