Water Quality Committee
February 5, 2019

The meeting of the CCWCD Committee of the Central Colorado Water Conservancy District was called to order at 10:05 A.M. on Tuesday, February 5, 2019 by Ralph Anders at Central’s office at 3209 West 28th Street in Greeley. Committee members present were Ralph Anders, David Bernhardt, Everett Kissler, Doug Dill, and Jim Reasoner via Skype. Committee members absent were Chad Schafer and Frank Eckhardt. Staff members present were Frankie Esquivel, Billy Mihelich and Courtney Sandoval.

Frankie opened the meeting by presenting the 2018 Expense Report, which included our collaborations with Leonard Rice Engineers Inc. and Central’s purchase of 5 DS5X probes from OTT Hydromet. These probes were installed in location last October for trial and removed mid-December due to temperatures and weather conditions. Central’s water quality data collaborations with Grady O’Brien of Neirbo Hydrogeology for Colorado Corn and Jean Marie Boyer of Hydros Consulting were also briefly discussed. Ralph asked for updates and/or feedback on these partnerships. There have been no new updates upon giving them a login to review information from our water quality database, which is managed by Frankie and Courtney.

Frankie moved on to talk about the breakdown of 2018’s water quality budget and where Central has spent their water quality money. The highest amount spent was $55,090.88 on the 4 DS5X multi-parameter probes and 2 HL4 probes for continuous monitoring and portable spot water quality monitoring respectively. Frankie moves on to talk about the breakdown of solution costs and sensor costs for probe upkeep. The amount of $1,360 per month has been estimated as the cost for the upkeep of 5 probes. During the trial run, the probes were programmed to take a reading at 12-hour intervals. It is discussed to change this to 6-hour intervals.

The next item of business Frankie brings into discussion is request for the past 5 years of our water quality data in the South Platte River Basin, by Skip Feeney. This request is from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Water Quality Control Division for the triennial review of water quality classifications and standards for the South Platte River basin. Everett Kissler questions what parameters Mr. Feeney is requesting. He discusses the levels of Nitrates in the areas around our District. After discussing parameters, it is decided that pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, total phosphorous, total nitrogen, Calcium and Magnesium would be the desired parameters. A motion is made by Ralph Anders to authorize Frank to create a report for the Water Quality Committee to review at the March committee meeting. Once the report has been reviewed, it can be recommended by the Water Quality Committee for approval by the Board. The motion was seconded by David Bernhardt. Motion carried.

Upon no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:48 A.M. by Ralph Anders.

Respectfully submitted,

Courtney Sandoval
Field Operations Assistant 1