GMS Committee
July 7, 2021

The meeting of the GMS Committee of the Central Colorado Water Conservancy District was called to order at 8:58 A.M. on Wednesday, July 7, 2021 by Frank Eckhardt at the office of the Central Colorado Water Conservancy District located at 3209 W 28th Street, Greeley, Colorado. Committee members present were Vern Kammerzell and Frank Eckhardt. Committee members present via Zoom was. Committee member absent were Tom Brown, Chad Schafer, and Alan Axton. Staff members present were Randy Ray, William (Billy) Mihelich, Lynn Kramer, and Ruthanne Schaffer. No guests were present.

The Committee reviewed the Agreement for the Rural Ditch’s Bypass Structure and there was consensus by the Committee members present to forward the agreement onto the Board.

Randy gave an update to the FRICO Ditch bypass agreement, there was consensus by the Committee to forward the agreement to the Board.

The Committee reviewed the following Policy Resolutions for Federal Grants Procurement and Contracting Policy, Invest Policy, Document Retention Policy, and Ethics Policy. Consensus among the Committee members present was to forward to the Board for their approval.

Lynn reviewed a permanent contract transfer.

Committee’s consensus is to forward the permanent contract transfer from Our Town LLC contract #1225 to Glen D. and Linda Erickson, new contract number to be established.

Randy and Billy reviewed recommendations that were drafted during the Summer 2021 Staff Planning Retreat.

Committee’s consensus is to go with option #1 from the staff planning retreat as outlined by staff for the Chatfield reallocation share purchase options.

Randy reviewed long term project budgets by districts.

Staff reviewed the Walker Recharge Project Budget and discussion was held regarding changes to be made. Staff will present the revised Budget to the Board.

It is the Committee’s consensus to recommend to the board to ratify the approval of the bids for the helical piers from Warbonnet Inc and the well platforms, and the pump discharging piping from FM Construction.

Randy gave an update on two grant applications that are being submitted for the Walker Recharge Project.

Chairman Frank Eckhardt adjourned the meeting at 11:42 A.M.

Respectfully submitted,


Ruthanne Schaffer,
Sr Water Accountant