The meeting of the CCWCD Committee of the Central Colorado Water Conservancy District was called to order at 11:01 A.M. on Tuesday, March 6, 2018 by Don Rosenbrock at Central’s office at 3209 West 28th Street in Greeley. Committee members present were Don Rosenbrock, Everett Kissler, Ralph Anders, and Jim Reasoner (via Skype).  Committee member absent was Doug Dill. Staff present were Randy Ray and Ruthanne Schaffer.

Randy gave an update on the Walker Recharge project.  Ryan D is working on the pipeline easements for the project and staff will have them soon.  Staff is working with CWCB on different options to get funding through them.  Staff has met with two different design/build teams for the Walker Recharge Project and plans to have the RFP out soon.  The plan is to have the Board review them at the May or June Board meeting.

Randy gave an update on the Rinn Valley construction.  This morning the pump manufacturer’s representative is dry fitting the pump down the column pipe.  The pump will always sit at the bottom of the pipe and will only be removed for servicing.  The inlet structure is now complete, all staff gages are installed, and if all goes well today they will begin filling through the inlet to cell 2 this week depending on river conditions.

Discussion was held regarding the idea of leasing a gravel pit to be used by commercial fisheries.

Randy gave an update on the pump to be installed in the Koenig pumpstation; manufacturing and delivery has been delayed due to the hurricane hitting Florida in the fall.

Staff had a meeting with BurnCo and Deere & Ault yesterday.  Discussion was held regarding construction at Shores Pond C pumpstation.  Shores will need to release around 2,000-acre feet before construction this summer/fall.

The GMS/WAS Member Meeting will be held March 22nd at Island Grove in Greeley starting at 10am.

Chairman Don Rosenbrock adjourned the meeting at 11:48 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Ruthanne Schaffer

Sr Water Accountant