WAS Committee
May 5, 2022

The meeting of the WAS Committee of the Central Colorado Water Conservancy District was called to order at 1:00 P.M. on Thursday, May 5, 2022, by David Bernhardt, Committee Chairman, at the office of the Central Colorado Water Conservancy District located at 3209 W 28th Street, Greeley, Colorado. Committee members present were David Bernhardt, Gary Herman, and Bret Schmidt. Committee members absent were Steve Bruntz and Randy Knutson. Staff members present were Randy Ray, William Mihelich and Lynn Kramer.

The committee asked to discuss the WAS contracts that had 10 acre feet or less of consumptive use. Lynn provided information on the number of contracts and the circumstances of the consumptive use calculations.

Randy reviewed the discussion from the GMS Committee meeting with Chris Leone from J2 Contracting and Scott Meining regarding Chris Leone’s proposal for gravel mining on the Meining property.

Randy reviewed his April 26, 2022 memo regarding the GURA Pit. He also handed out a proposal from Chris Leone to partner on a gravel pit located on East 8th Street, Greeley.

Randy presented a request from Hall Irwin for augmentation for the Firestein Pit. Billy explained the specific amounts involved.

The Small Scale Water Efficiency Project grant application has been filed to purchase 150 FlowConnect meters. Randy discussed other grant opportunities.

Billy informed the committee about a request from David Hunt to add an additional 100 acre feet of consumptive use to an industrial use contract by participating in quota trading.

Meeting was adjourned at 2:25 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Lynn Kramer