The meeting of the Public Information Committee of the Central Colorado Water Conservancy District was called to order at 12:40 P.M. on Tuesday, February 6, 2018 @ 12:40pm by Don Rosenbrock at Central’s office at 3209 West 28th Street in Greeley. Committee members present were Everett Kissler, Doug Dill and Jim Reasoner. Central staff present were Randy Ray, Executive Director; and Tammy Rusch, Office Manager.

The meeting began with a review of the Public Information budgets for 2018.

The Board also discussed offering the 6-district wide high schools each a $1000 scholarship for seniors pursuing a degree in agriculture or natural science. The board directed Tammy Rusch to set up the scholarships.

Tammy Rusch updated the board on the Children’s Water Festival set for April 25 at Island Grove.

The West Greeley Conservation District has shown interest in combining some education efforts with CCWCD. The Board directed Tammy to continue researching areas that we can work together.

The Poudre Learning Center has submitted a proposal to expand the Well Watch Program to the 6-school district within our boundaries. The Board was comfortable in supporting the startup cost and will re-look at the program in the fall of 2018. Startup cost at this point $8000.00.

The Board was invited to attend the Caring For Our Watershed banquet and discussed the possibility of expanding the program to our district schools.

Tammy gave a report on the Colorado Farm show and Poudre River form. CCWCD held a booth at both events.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:10pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Tammy Rusch
Office Manager