WAS Committee
October 7, 2020

The meeting of the WAS Committee of the Central Colorado Water Conservancy District was called to order at 1:09 P.M. on Wednesday, October 7, 2020 by David Bernhardt at the office of the Central Colorado Water Conservancy District located at 3209 W 28th Street, Greeley, Colorado. Committee members present were Randall Knutson, David Bernhardt, and Bret Schmidt. Board members absent were Gary Herman and Steve Bruntz. Staff members present were Randy Ray, Ruthanne Schaffer, William (Billy) Mihelich, and Danyelle McCannon. No guests were present.

Danyelle reviewed the preliminary budget for 2021 and estimated 2020 end of year figures.

Randy gave an update on the Opatril property listing where Central’s recharge ponds are located.

Ruthanne spoke to the Committee on the augmentation plans for the fall to spring operations. She is working on applying for the CWCB Drought Grant.

Randy gave an update on the Shores C pump station. The column pump has been tested and commissioned.

Staff has requested Walker Project 3B Bids and they are due Friday, October 16th and will be opened at the October 20th Board meeting.

The Committee discussed the Rinn Valley Recreation Proposal.

Chairman David Bernhardt adjourned the meeting at 2:28 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Ruthanne Schaffer
Sr Water Accountant