Water Quality Committee

September 3, 2019

The meeting of the Water Quality Committee of the Central Colorado Water Conservancy District was called to order at 12:01 P.M. on Tuesday, September 3, 2019 by Ralph Anders at Central’s office at 3209 West 28th Street in Greeley. Committee members present were Ralph Anders, David Bernhardt, Frank Eckhardt, and Everett Kissler.  Other Board members present were Don Rosenbrock and Doug Dill.  Board member absent was Chad Schafer.  Staff members present were Frank Esquivel, Courtney Sandoval, Tammy Rusch, and Ruthanne Schaffer.

Discussion was held on the purpose and goals of the Water Quality videos.

The decision was made to do three short videos instead of two short and one long.

The Committee’s goal is to get the videos to social media outlets.

Video ideas were:

  • Youth Education
  • Sampling locations and frequency
  • Water quality in agriculture
  • General public – awareness of Central’s commitment to monitoring water quality

Chairman Ralph Anders adjourned the meeting at 1:15 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Ruthanne Schaffer

Sr Water Accountant