CCWCD Committee

September 4, 2018

The meeting of the CCWCD Committee of the Central Colorado Water Conservancy District was called to order at 11:02 A.M. on Tuesday, September 4, 2018 by Don Rosenbrock at Central’s office at 3209 West 28th Street in Greeley. Committee members present were Don Rosenbrock, Everett Kissler, Ralph Anders, Doug Dill and Jim Reasoner.  Staff present were Randy Ray, William Mihelich, and Danyelle McCannon.

The meeting began with discussion of the easements at the Walker recharge location. Randy Ray informed the committee that two out of the three easements have been signed, and the third one is still in the works. The engineering proposal and budget for the pipeline will be presented to the Board in the coming months, and the grant contract with the Bureau of Reclamation should be signed in September. The CWCB Water Plan grant money will be used as matching funds for the Bureau grant for the pipeline portion of the Walker Recharge project.

There is a lined gravel storage pit east of Greeley that is for sale and it should be completed within two years. This is a good location for the augmentation plans and the committees might want to consider the purchase of this project in the future.

Fullmer Cattle will be filing for an augmentation plan and they are moving forward with legal and engineering efforts.

The restoration project on the Cache la Poudre River near Siebring Reservoir is underway and is expected to be completed before winter of 2018.

The draft 2019 budget was reviewed and discussed.

Chairman Don Rosenbrock adjourned the meeting at 12:30 P.M..

Respectfully submitted,

Danyelle McCannon, Financial Analyst