WAS Committee

September 4, 2019

The meeting of the WAS Committee of the Central Colorado Water Conservancy District was called to order at 1:08 P.M. on Wednesday, September 2019 by David Bernhardt at Central’s office at 3209 West 28th Street in Greeley. Committee members present were, David Bernhardt, Randy Knutson and Bret Schmidt.  Board members absent were Gary Herman and Steve Bruntz.  Staff members present were Randy Ray, Lynn Kramer, Danyelle McCannon and Ruthanne Schaffer.

Randy gave an update on the Walker Recharge Project.  An update was given on easements and acquisitions staff has been working on.

Staff reviewed the options for a bond sale or CWCB loan(s).

Danyelle reviewed the proposed 2020 budget for WAS.

Lynn spoke to the Committee about a discussion held during the GMS Committee to remove the opportunity to reinstate a contract from the Resolution Regarding Water Allotment Contracts.

Chairman David Bernhardt adjourned the meeting at 3:08 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Ruthanne Schaffer

Sr Water Accountant