CEI Constructors from Denver, CO was awarded the contract for Phase I of the Walker Project.

Central is planning to construct a large recharge facility on the South Platte River near the towns of Wiggins and Orchard in Northeastern Colorado.  The Walker Recharge Project will consist of diversions from the South Platte River to recharge basins.  The Walker Project will help Central conjunctively manage their surface and groundwater supplies to increase reliability of irrigation water supplied to agricultural producers in Colorado.

Phase 1 of the project work will consist of a new pipeline, the Southside Main Pipeline to convey 111 cfs through either a single pipeline or through dual pipelines. The alignment is 8,300 linear feet (LF) from the CCWCD Walker Property line to the Empire recharge pond. Construction work is expected to occur fall of 2019.

Walker RFQ Documents

Advanced Project Request for Qualifications

Walker Project Request for Bid
updated  12/20/2018

Walker Project Timeline
updated 01/02/2019

Walker Drawing Set
uploaded 12/13/1218

Walker Drawing Set Dropbox File
uploaded 12/20/18 (same file as above, just a different method of downloading)

Walker Pre-bid Meeting Sign In Sheet
Uploaded 01/04/2019

Walker Site Restoration SO2950
Uploaded 1/15/2019

Walker Pipeline Geotechnical Report
Uploaded 1/15/2019

Walker RFQ Addendum
Uploaded 1/15/2019

Walker Staging Areas
Uploaded 1/15/2019

Walker RFQ Addendum 2
Uploaded 1/22/2019