Project Description
Once thoroughly mined, the estimated capacity of the reservoir is 1,800 acre-feet of water with the right to (1) refill. The estimated surface area of the reservoir when full is 39.2 acres. Diversions will come from the Plumb Ditch headgate at 50cfs, the Nissen pump station at 50cfs (owned by GMS), and 20cfs from a warm water tributary to the South Platte River. In 2014 a bentonite slurry wall was constructed around the perimeter of the mining area. The slurry wall extends downward from the ground surface to a depth of approximately 70 feet.
Thomas V. Cech as Central’s Executive Director and Kim R. Lawrence as Central’s legal counsel provided decades of vision, dedication and wisdom to further develop the resources of CCWCD, GMS and WAS; and to recognize their accomplishments as pioneers in the development of Central’ s water rights and augmentationplans, Pioneer Reservoir is being named to honor their service.