Project Description
Hokestra Reservoir Complex is located north of the intersection of highways I-25 and 119 in Firestone. The estimated water storage capacity is 1,250 AF and consists of four lined gravel pits, two of which CCWCD filled with water beginning in 2016. GMS purchased from the water storage complex from Weld County.
The purchase is a win-win for GMS and the County. The gravel resources are currently about 75% mined allowing water storage has approved by Weld County. GMS will assume the rights to 3.75 shares of Rural Ditch and will continue Weld Counties obligation to augment several nearby unlined gravel pits.
GMS and Weld County have filed a joint application for water storage and change of water right for the Rural Ditch shares in Water Court. The purchase was financed by Weld County and paid for, over 20-years, through the GMS Enterprise. This project is essentially funded by GMS member assessments, for increasing water supply to its members.
Decreed Capacity: pending
Source: Boulder Creek through Rural Ditch
Appropriation Date: pending
Owned by: GMS